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Transform Your New Mom Routine: 3 Mundane Tasks That Bring a Sense of Accomplishment

Updated: Jan 24

Being a new mom can feel so overwhelming with all the feeding, changing, patting, and sleeping when the baby sleeps (yeah, right). By the end of the day, you realize you may not have accomplished everything you wanted and THAT IS OKAY! Even with a partner's help, the list can seem daunting.

There is a phrase I was told many times after my baby was born and that was, "Give yourself some grace." It's okay when the dishes sit in the sink overnight and it's perfectly fine to go a few days without doing laundry. There will be days that things just don't go well, and some chores get left unchecked, again, THAT IS OKAY. Give yourself some grace...See what I did there?

Think of a task you do that you don't usually think is a big deal, something you 'just do' because it's easy. I recommend doing three of those mundane daily tasks, that when the big stuff seems daunting, you can do to still feel like you won the day.

There are three tasks that I do that make me feel like I conquered a mountain when I feel less than productive.


a pretty bed made up with white linens and pillows

Make The Bed

I LOVE making our bed. The act of getting into a nicely made bed at the end of a hectic day fills me with so much joy. Growing up I never made my bed; my parents didn't really care if I did, and I didn't want to make the effort. As an adult, I highly recommend it.

We don't have a fancy bed with five-hundred throw pillows. We don't even use a top sheet (the horror). Once my husband drags himself out of bed, I go in to fix the duvet and straighten our two pillows and that's really all there is to it. Nothing too complicated, and it's a mindless task, I'm not using a ton of brain power to do it. Also, it looks nice and clean when done.

a closeup of two bottles

Wash Baby Bottles

For a lot of baby moms, washing bottles is a major pain. There are too many parts that are hard to clean, and it takes forever. I on the other hand find it therapeutic (to each their own). Once the baby is down for the night, I create a system, turn my brain off or put on an episode of Gilmore Girls, and get to work. Yes, you can always put them in the dishwasher but I'm old school and like doing my dishes by hand.

I actually don't like when other people in my house wash the bottles. I personally believe I do them best, I scrub every nook and cranny on all the pieces. It gives me piece of mind and I feel accomplished.

a woman using a spray bottle about to wipe the kitchen counter

Clean The Kitchen

I don't know about anyone else, but I HATE having a cluttered kitchen with sticky stuff on the counters. I usually clean up as I go and take the few extra minutes to wipe the counters once I'm done cooking but it's like a train wreck after my husband cooks.

In the beginning of our marriage, I would trail behind my husband and clean up after him as he went along. I soon found out he hated that. Now, I have become a little bit more relaxed and wait until the end of the day to really deep clean the kitchen. It's satisfying, it looks nice after I'm done, and I can go to bed happy.


These are my mundane tasks that make me feel accomplished at the end of a long day. What are your go-to tasks that make you feel good even when you didn't get the big stuff done?


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